Thursday 30 May 2024

Lovely .........

While Nigel and Alice were away embracing a few of the pleasures of Weymouth,  they managed to slip in a little successful charity shop shopping ........

........ and on their return Alice was really excited to show me a few of the new clothes she'd managed to find for herself ........

I have to say that, what that girl can find in a 50p basket is sheer mastery and I thought Darrell was the doyen of the cheeky mooch, delve and rummage!

Everything she showed me was "tres Alice"! It also has to be said that Alice really does love a bow and anything of a natural, vintage, feminine type nature, which Darrell informs me is Cottage Core and Alice can certainly rock it! 

I know nothing about fashion and all it's trends, however I think I have to agree with him, but then, Alice could wear a paper bag with a piece of string tied round her middle and she'd still look beautiful! What am I like, if not everso slightly besotted? 


Mr.D said...

Alice always looks very fine - be she half asleep, last thing at night, first thing in the morning, windblown or just lazing around the house.

Anonymous said...

How so very sweet- perfect pink perfection indeedy! JantheFan. x