Tuesday 7 May 2024

After All The Months Of Waiting ..... It's Euro Semi 1

Oh my goodness, its only 8 o'clock in the morning and there's already a palpable and tangible Euro Semi 1 excitement pulsating and thronging through The Towers How we are going to manage to get through the next twelve hours until 8 o'clock tonight without spontaneously combusting I just don't know.

However, we're trying ........ 

Iris & Bertie's sleepover really dug deep into our Malteser supply, we've got no salty popcorn whatsoever, I'm really fancying a cheeky bag of Revels and Darrell's also hinted to him that a bag of Iceland's all butter fudge wouldn't go amiss, so Nigel is going to keep himself busy by nipping into town later on to find a few more comestible treats for tonight and Thursday and, to be honest, he'll probably need to do it  all again on Saturday, judging by the rate we chow on down, but then, that's all part of our Eurovision build up anyway ..........

....... so the little fella could be gone for a while!

Darrell, meanwhile, is planning on throwing together a very simple, running buffet style tea ...........

.......... as he says he doesn't think he could cope with preparing anything more elaborate, as he knows he's mind will very much be elsewhere 
and, let's be honest, no one needs a burnt meatball at the best of times, let alone on the cusp of such a glorious event! 

I, on the other hand, will attempt to simply spend the day reading my new charity shop Richard E Grant book in the peace and quiet of my room, even though I'm sure the words will be dancing on the page because, inside, I'll be just as excited as everyone else!

What are we like? 


Mr.D said...

"....without spontaneously combusting."

Can I suggest plenty of cold showers?

"..a very simple, running buffet style tea."

A running buffet? I think this term will make Nigel do lots of ruminating and pondering.

Is the buffet running? Or those eating it? Does Nigel have to put on his trainers and jogging gear and pick up a snack, as he speeds past the table?

Is is a running buffet something at the side of a road during a marathon, so the participants can have a vol au vent and a sausage roll?

Anonymous said...

Interesting questions about the “running buffet “. Enjoy the sweet snacks & I’m sure you’ll have to start again with the book!


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a running buffet - will it run past me and I'll grab a few bits as it passes? But I'm with monkey - a quiet read is just about the best thing to do.....in all this excitement and anticipation. JantheFan x