Monday 6 May 2024

Our Eurovision Party Has Already Begun

This week will no doubt be almost as palpably and tangibly exciting as the run up to Christmas, except without the decorations, Christmas tree, presents and Darrell's usually wonderful dinner!

We've started extra early this year, by having a pre-Eurovision sleepover with our beloved niece and nephew, as we have bought them up well, by being as bonkers about the contest as we are.  

So, we ordered in a Chinese for tea, so Darrell was able to channel his full concentration on the runners and riders of both two semi finals, printing score cards off for all of us, while Nigel and I set 
up a cocktail bar for Bertie, who was on table service duty, with salty popcorn and Maltesers at the ready for our delectation during the evening.

We then sat down to watch all the songs on YouTube, marking them ahead of the semi finals as to who we each thought would make it to the Grand Final.

There was some debate, but none, thank goodness, heated and as Iris is desperately saving towards a new Botanical Gardens Lego set, we decided to club together to help towards the funds by giving both little ones 10p each for every country they thought would get through to Saturday.

Fingers crossed for a bumper win ...... with, slightly higher stakes (50p per country) to anyone getting any of the top 5 songs on The Big Night!

Our "current", prediction for the ultimate winner of Eurovision 2024 is Denmark, with Sand, but who knows, it could all change before then  ....... in the meantime enjoy!


Mr.D said...

Denmark's song sounds good. Let's hope the UK does well, and doesn't get the embarrassing disaster that is "Nul Points."

How come Denmark, and lots of others, sing in English? Does it give them a better chance of winning?

My all-time favourite Eurovision song? Dana - All kinds of everything,

What about everyone else's favourite?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you all had a fun evening.


Anonymous said...

Oh it's all getting exciting - what a great night you all had. JantheFan x