Thursday 2 May 2024

Following On From Maltesers ........ It's Shrinking Curlywurly's now!

It has to be said that we very much appreciate a cheeky Curlywurly now and then, especially if they've been kept in the fridge for a bit ........

..... BUT, is it me, or have they gotten an awful lot smaller of late?

When I was small (and not so small) they seemed to go on forever and bits of chocolate would always drop off as you bit into them  .........

...... but this last lot, that I've just bought, really do seem sooooooo much shorter than my memory serves ..........

....... questions need to be asked in Parliament ........ urgently!


Seaside Karen said...

Oh I totally agree! They’re shorter and thinner too, it’s a national disgrace! I remember when they first came out I think around 1971, I could buy one after school and eat it on the bus home….twenty minute journey and it was hardly finished, whereas now it’s gone in two minutes!

Mr.D said...

Oh, no! My comment has been lost again, somewhere in the aether. Let's hope it arrives soon.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing worse than a short curlywurly - this country is falling to bits!!! Never mind the chocolate on the said curlywurly. EVERYTHING is smaller than it used to be. JantheFan x

Mr.D said...

My comment seems to be lost, for good, so I'll do another.

This made me think of a Vic Reeves shopkeeper character, who didn't stock Curly-Wurlies as they were far too elaborate.