Thursday 23 May 2024

An Untimely Appearance

With Nigel away on his little jaunt with Alice, embracing the pleasures of Weymouth, Darrell has ably taken over the school run on his behalf, and it has to be said, all was going well, until yesterday .......

...... when the Ice Cream Man finally returned to the school gates after his autumn/winter/spring hernia hiatus, however, with Uncle Nigel not there, Darrell was thrown into a quandary, as the first "Whippy" of the season has always been a very special occassion for the little fella to plunder his treat money, but with two excited little ones pulling at Darrell's shirt sleeves, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes, would they really want to wait another week before Nigel's return for enjoy such delights?    

In the end he decided to throw caution to the wind and a simple tub with a flake and an "extra large" (a double cone, with whippy filling each half, two flakes and chocolate sauce) were duly purchased. Nigel would understand, and more than like, was probably enjoying the same in Weymouth, if the ice cream could stay long enough in the cone before a huge gust of wind took it away!

The only question now is, where on earth does a tiny, little thing like our beloved Iris put such a humungous ice cream (Bertie going for the tub, but still leaving Darrell to finish it off for him)? Even the Ice Cream man has questioned, at least once, Iris's ability to polish an "extra large" off!!!  What is she like, if not an absolutely mahosssive ice cream demolishing machine in tres petite form!


Mr.D said...

Nomtastic! I'm impressed that Miss Iris can finish such a huge Mr. Whippy.

Anonymous said...

Oh well done Iris, it's been quite some time since I bought an ice-cream from a man in a van, my favourite is The Oyster. JantheFan x