Tuesday 28 May 2024

Perusing ........

As Nigel and Alice's stay in Weymouth and The Heights draws to a close, they sort of wish they'd availed themselves more of the impressive lounge area ........

..... with it's ambient and chilled holiday atmosphere, faux ammonite casts ........ 

...... and large and very comfy chairs from which to admire said ammonites and local art work that were available for sale ..........

........ but sadly their schedule hasn't really allowed it.  

However, after they'd enjoyed another very lovely three course meal and nightcap, 
Alice in mellow mood, thought she might like to peruse the appealing and enticing retail cabinets ............

....... just in case there was a small something she could bring back for the little ones and Darrell and I, she is such a sweetie!

However, after a lot of two and froing and consulting with Nigel, she decided that where two snugglies would be perfect for Iris and Bertie, tempting though a pair of matching lamas were, once back home in Evesham, she/we might not look at them in quite the same way, especially as Darrell and I can't really be described as soft toy sort of people, even of an ornamental type nature, so she decided something comestible might be a more suitable gift, so an extra large box of Dorset fudge with a postcard of Weymouth on the top was duly purchased, bless her.

Then, back in their room, with the little ones still on Nigel's mind, he decided to gather up all their unused complimentary hot drink products for young master Bertie, for his little tea bar, because although they might seem an odd "gift", he knew Bertie would be over the moon with them, particularly the coffee bags as Nigel didn't think he hadn't actually ever had any.  What on earth are they both like, Nigel and Bertie, not Alice!


Mr.D said...

When I was young, someone gave me some coffee bags, and I loved the smell of them. Not as fragrant as the delightfully scented Alice, however.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a thoughtful thing to take back for Bertie, I can well imagine how he would enjoy that little gift. A young man after my own heart. JantheFan x