Wednesday 22 May 2024

Just A Simple Spooky Coincidence While Charity Shop Shopping in Dorchester.

Although both Alice and Nigel absolutely love being so close to the sea, with all the blustery weather, yesterday they decided to head inland for a day spent in Sherbourne and Dorchester, with a cheeky bit of charity shop shopping thrown in between a cream tea, Dorset Apple Cake and historic and romantic looking buildings.

Sherbourne was very beautiful and quite posh, where locals wear muddy, upmarket wellies and carry baskets to do their shopping and the shops are the sort that ladies like Alice like to peruse, with their fragrant and luscious sounding candles, purses and pencil cases with foxes and hedgehogs on and pictures and cards painted by local artists and where, on the other hand, Nigel prefers to drool outside a proper, local, for locals bakery. 

The charity shops were very lovely too, more like carefully curated boutiques really, and while Nigel and Alice left no shelf or rack unexplored or basket undelved, they found no treasure, so their money stayed safe in their pockets ..... except for two proper, fulsome pasties Nigel bought from an aforementioned bakery, while Alice was sniffing candles! 

They then moved on to Dorchester, where they (well Nigel, really), had a spooky find of sorts.

It started off with Alice spotting a board advertising a ghost walk through the town the following evening, if it had been that night, while they were in town, I think they would have been sorely tempted to join in.......

....... however a return journey, on such a tight schedule, really wasn't feasible, perhaps another time.

And then, spookily, in the very first charity shop they alighted on, low and behold Nigel found a small collection of Most Haunted DVDs, in its hey day, back in the homeland, it was our most favourite viewing of choice, we even had a  few said DVDs of our own, plus books and a signed photo of the late great Derek Acorah (RIP), we've since moved on, but Nigel, being Nigel, wondered if the aforementioned walk and then spotting the DVD's might be some sort of omen! 

So, thank goodness Alice, who had missed the DVD's entirely, but had spied some very nice knitwear, was able to persuade the little fella that it was just a coincidence and nothing untoward or foreboding .......

  ....... and perhaps he should concentrate on the lower bric a brac shelves instead!  What is he like? 


Mr.D said...

What a great day. I'm with Nigel, when it comes to bakeries and pasties!

Anonymous said...

At least the sensible Miss Alice knows how to keep a young excited mind on track! JantheFan x p.s. love those two mice hugging each other in last photo, what young Nige is missing, he needs not to know! Janthe Fan x