Friday 24 May 2024

On Chesil Beach

Chesil beach is the most wonderful and mesmerising place in the world, so it goes without saying that Nigel and Alice just had to spend some time there .........

 ...... and despite the wild, whistling, gusts of wind that surrounded them while they were there  .........

...... Nigel was again fascinated to see that Alice's hair ribbons still managed to stay very securely in place and she remained unflappable and delicious!

They spent their time in companionable silence, simply tossing the smooth, rounded stones, seeing how far they could throw them, though not many actually reached the sea, surrounded by the unique and eerie sound of the huge waves breaking on the beach, followed by the sound of the pebbles shifting as the waves went out. It was hypnotising.

However, though naturally drawn to look for a cheeky holey stone or two, even if he had found the most perfect holey stone in the whole wide world, Nigel knew that taking just one stone, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant, was strictly verboten, risking a £2,000 fine and a criminal record, which would result in his precious DBS check being revoked and then he would never be able to read in school again ....... and no pebble, no matter how beautiful the memories attached, would ever be worth that, hole or not!  What is he like? 


Mr.D said...

Alice always looks great, no matter what the elements throw at her.

£2,000 a stone? Wow. Although, even if there were no fine, or criminal record, just a rule prohibiting the taking of stones, I'm sure Nigel would obey it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone is enjoying the sea air. Wow-£2000 fine. I wonder is that per stone or a one off fee?


Anonymous said...

Yes there has been quite a lot of publicity of late about not taking stones, shells etc from beaches now. Just maybe some litter....sad to say.
I always think, when I hear someone speak of Chesil Beach of the book & film, On Chesil Beach by Ewan McEwan
I've never read the book or seen the film though!!!
JantheFan x