Monday 13 May 2024

Seeds Of Doubt Perhaps .........

We think, we may have perhaps reached a quite turning point in our lives, because  we have a confession to make today! Much as we have obsessed over Eurovision as per usual this year, on Saturday night we found that we were a just a teensy bit bored and perhaps a little distracted (as will be explained) and, as such, we "actually" nipped out twice during the proceedings in order to try and get a glimpse of the aurora borealis instead ..... pyjama clad, accompanied by our lovely neighbour Kata (also sporting her PJ's)  .......... 

........ because, when we woke up on Saturday morning, we found that we'd missed out on a spectacular display of 
the real life Northern Lights over Evesham (photo below taken by a neighbour from our park, scene of our many New Years midnight walks). To say we were GUTTED after seeing all the pictures on Facebook is a mahooooosive understatement, this was a once in a lifetime experience and unbeknownst to us, we'd slept right through it!

We then decided to keep an extra vigilant eye on the news for the rest of the day, and saw that said lights might be visible again later in the evening, so it would have been totally remiss of us not to attempt to experience the Aurora Borealis for ourselves, not matter what we were watching on TV, although Darrell, a little nervous of going out in the midst of a  storm of an extreme geomagnetic type nature, opted to wear a hat, just to be on the safe side!

The first time we went out with Kata, missing out on Norway, Italy and Serbia taking to the stage, all eyes were steadfastly fixed on the sky, however on this occassion we saw nothing untoward or unusual.

However, after another text from Kata, we decided to go out again, just as they announced that Nemo, singing for Switzerland had won, so, we missed out on the winners victorious encore, but, by then, we'd already seen the song being sung goodness knows how many times during the run up to the contest. It goes without saying that such a wanton action on our part, in the past, would have been totally unthinkable!

We were rewarded by a faintly pink sky, not the dramatic, dancing curtains of light of the night before, but nonetheless it was all strangely romantic, despite standing in our slippers (in the park), each straining to see any flicker of colour in the sky.

So, where does that leave our future visual participation of next years Eurovision in Switzerland? Who knows, but this year, we have to admit, it was not the best! Perhaps, if we're honest, was there too much empathise on the various states of undress of some of the singers and their dancers, rather than the actual song? Anyway, we'll have to see if we break "the code" of a lifetime in 2025! .........  


Mr.D said...

A shame about the Northern Lights, and about the song contest. In Mexico City, we are too far south, and there is a LOT of light pollution.

Anonymous said...

Boyz - I'm like you I'm afraid, I missed out on the aurora too. It looked rather tremendous to say the least. JantheFan x

Seaside Karen said...

Oh Boyz, I feel your pain! We slept soundly on Friday night, unbeknown to us marvellous Northern lights were ablaze across our beloved Beach Huts and St Anne’s pier, we will never get over missing such a spectacle five minutes from our own home! On Saturday night, we stayed up watching Eurovision and like you we were so over it, I’m not a prude but it was all very debauched and the songs appeared to irrelevant it was more about what you were doing!! Anyway at least it helped keep us awake and we walked onto the beach at midnight to see…..nothing! Cloudy skies meant nothing was revealed, so we had a late night for nothing. Ah well, at least I now have an aurora watch app on my phone and shall not be found wanting again!

Tracy L said...

I feel your pain, boys.

Seeing the Northern Lights is at the top of my bucket list - and we woke up to photos all over Facebook showing the Aurora in glorious technicolour. To add insult to injury, our Residents' Page showed that there was the most spectacular display right above our house.
To think all of my ponderings on saving up to go to Iceland, Norway or wherever could have been spared by just standing in my garden and looking up!

We also nipped out at times during and after Eurovision, hoping for a reprise but, alas, the only coloured glow was the distant lighting from the M20 on the horizon!
