Tuesday 11 June 2024

Bertie Gets A Very Positive Reaction On Nigel's Chin.

Ahhhhhh, the curious mind .......Young Master Bertie, in the guise of Charmander, was curious to know whether Nigel likes his butter or not.  So a suitable buttercup was duly selected and then delicately positioned under the little fella's chin  ...........

..... to reveal, instantly and so unequivocally, that indeed, Nigel does very much appreciate the odd knob of butter! 

To be honest, I could have told Berts that myself, without the aid of said buttercup, judging from the amount of slightly salted (usually Anchor) Nigel likes to slather on his toast in the morning or his lunchtime baked potato, but I didn't want to spoil this innocent, time honoured, traditional moment between them.  

No doubt Mr D, the fount of all complicated knowledge, will be able to enlighten us, in simple scientific terms, as to how a simple, common buttercup is able to recognise such a comestible passion????  


Mr.D said...

The more prosaic reason is the buttercup's excellent ability to signal to insect pollinators from a large distance.

Although I, by far, prefer the butter theory, which my mam taught me when I was knee high to a, uh, buttercup.

Anonymous said...

Oh happy buttercup days. JantheFan x