Monday 10 June 2024

Loo Of The Year Awards .......

We get the free Wychavon magazine every three months, I do peruse it, but it's pretty boring if I'm honest ......

...... however, I couldn't help but smile and look a little closer at the article on the Loo of The Year Awards, especially when I saw that our very own, aptly named, Waterside Loo (as very much appreciated by Nigel, now and again, on his way to and from the school run) ..........

...... had only be awarded a prestigious Diamond Award and the loo in the park, a Platinum Plus Award!  

I felt quite proud, in a weird and wonderful sort of way, as I am very particular about where I make the occasional call of nature on my travels and knowing that our local loos of choice are award winning is indeed tres reassuring!

And, while we're talking of thrones ...........

........ I think we need to get a few pictures of us on this one (above) next time we are enjoying the many pleasures of Abbey Park with our beloved niece and nephew.

Then, before disposing of said magazine, I made a quick note on our calendar of all the local events that we might be interested in like the River Festival, Polish Heritage Day, Angling Festival and the not to be missed, Pershore Plum Festival ........ well, it would be rude not to, as we are very proud of our plums! 


Mr.D said...


In days of yore, it was just gold, silver and bronze prizes. Now we have Diamond and Platinum Plus Awards. Is this a case of rampant inflation?

Anonymous said...

It's great you have posh loos - it's dreadful that ALL public loos are not quite as posh, they jolly well should be. (Short rant Over!)
Loving that pose Monkey as you check those dates in the Wychavon Mag - what with first asparagus festivals and now lacking of 5 a day in Evesham that's for sure! JantheFan x