Tuesday 4 June 2024

Love Evesham

Nigel spent a very lovely day yesterday taking Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie up to the "Love Evesham" community event in town .................

........ where there were signatures to be collected from the various stallholders in order to "earn" free swag bag, of which Nigel was very taken!

There were also ducks to be hooked (to win a duck!), pirates treasure to be exactly pinpointed on a map ........

......... real life llamas to get acquainted with ........

...... and the unique opportunity to pose as Gus the Asparagus, the asparagus, being the proud, national vegetable of Evesham!

However, to be honest, the real draw was the free Walls ice cream (made in nearby Gloucester) and free admission to The Almonry, their very most favourite place to while away an hour or so, the school room in particular.

No school holiday would be a proper school holiday without a morning or afternoon there with Uncle Nigel, Bertie taking the roll as the no nonsense, strict but fair teacher and Iris the slightly naughty but still studious pupil. They solve the same old maths problems, recite the same awful poem about a doll and answer the same questions on when potatoes and cabbages were introduced to England, by whom, where from and in who's reign, but one day, Nigel knows, that one time, without knowing, it will be for the last time (as they grow up and move on) and so Nigel always treasures every single second, making sure memories are made, which are then hopefully firmly cemented in little minds.

Later, all games played, they moved into the grounds where they listened to a tour, telling of the history of the Almonry and the plans to restore it, as it is in pretty bad shape and very needs careful restoration, so that hopefully, one day, perhaps Iris and Bertie will take their own children to share their tales of good humoured canings, dressing up as Victorians and dear old Uncle Nigel!

Then it was off to the park to play unfettered, barefoot in the huge, adventure sand pit ........

...... and enjoy the mahoooosive picnic Uncle Darrell had prepared for them earlier. Happy days and more aforementioned memories made, bless Uncle Nigel's little cotton socks!




Mr.D said...

Yet another wonderful day out, with yet more special memories, for Miss Iris, Master Bertie and Nigel. Not forgetting Gus, the asparagus.

Mind you, I would be very interested in the contents of Darrell's picnic container, too. But not his lunch box, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I say - it all looks like you've had a A-Mazing day community celebration. JantheFan x