Friday 21 June 2024

Absolutely Sworn To Secrecy

Oh my goodness, this past week or so Darrell and I have been doing our level best to maintain an air of normal normality throughout The Towers because, unbeknownst to Nigel, he's off to Euro Disney tomorrow morning and, as far as we can see, he hasn't got a flipping clue! 

This is all stems back to just before the Covid times when everything was sorted for him to go, but then the dreaded lurgy struck and the rest is of course history. Bless him, he's never mentioned it since, I think the heartbreak was just too much and he didn't want to risk the dams bursting.....

Soooooooo, Darrell and I have packed his bags and if he's questioned where his lucky pants, favouritist t-shirt or bestest socks have disappeared to, Darrell has put on his most convincing, serious face and apologised profusely that they're still somewhere in the washing pile, as he hasn't had a chance to sort it all out yet, but really they're all safe in his case, in the back of Tom the Scientists car, ready for the off.  We've even packed our traditional Twix for when the seatbelt sign goes off and he's cruising at 40,000 feet!  

Tomorrow, when he's picked  up, he's expecting a day out embracing the pleasures of Birmingham's museums, art galleries, open spaces and eateries with his beloved niece and nephew,  however, as soon as he clocks that he's actually approaching the airport instead .........  all will be revealed, as they say! 

I have warned Tom the Scientist and The Lovely Laura that a paper bag or two may be handy in the glove box, as the little fella might become so excited he might inadvertently 
eject his breakfast!  

Meanwhile, back home, Darrell and I intend to take a well earned rest from the stress of the surreptitious 
fuselage subterfuge and then look forward to all Nigel's daily reports from the aforementioned Euro Disney and Newport Bay Compass Club .......... happy days all round, me thinks! 


Mr.D said...

Excellent! What wonderful subterfuge, guile, cunning and chicanery. Verrrry welll dun!

" ......... all will be revealed, as they say!"

Not quite ALL, I hope.

Mr.D said...

P.S. Happy birthday Darrell! 21st June - the longest day.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful surprise for Nigel , hope he isn’t too overcome and manages to enjoy the trip.


Anonymous said...

Oh my - It's just all too exciting for words - so least said the better! JantheFan x