Thursday 20 June 2024

Nigel Visits "The" 50p Charity Shop.

When Nigel was invited by LuLu to visit an out of the way, 50p charity shop in Worcester, well, it was a no brainer and would have been rude not to say yes, so off they popped, full of tangible and palpable excitement for the unknown ........

....... not sure what they would find, but with a pocket of 50p's.

Let's just say, it did not disappoint ...... with £1.50 duly spent by Nigel, not on himself, but on Darrell and Alice .......

Now, Alice is yet to share in one of our annual Halloween sleepovers and. as such. probably hasn't given a single thought to her outfit yet, but when Nigel spotted a beautiful pumpkin tutu combo on the rack, he knew it would be just perfect for her, but at 50p, if she hated it, then nothing was really lost as it could easily be re-donated. He also found her the cutest pair of embroidered shoes, he wasn't too sure what size she is, but again at 50p, it was still worth a punt.

And, for Darrell (or me, if he didn't like it, as we are almost the same size) there was a new shirt that simply spelt S U M M E R and Greek Oddity.  
The little fella arrived back at The Towers in triumphant mood.

Alice was thrilled with her outfit, it fit like a dream. It was cute, feminine and with just the right level of spookiness to remain as fragrant as ever. She loved it ....... and the shoes?

Well, just 
think Cinderella, with Nigel as her handsome Prince!

As for Darrell's shirt, well, I'm probably not going to get a look in, he was as equally thrilled as Alice, not only with the shirt itself but also with all the thought Nigel had put into each purchase, thinking of others on his little adventure.

It has to be said ........ the boy "dun gud"!


Mr.D said...

Well done, Nigel! The boy dun verrry, verrry gud.

Alice looks mighty fine, as always.

Anonymous said...

What great bargains and 2 friends very happy I’m guessing.


Anonymous said...

Oh my - I've never seen a 50p Charity Shop - never mind what a bargain - What a Find! JantheFan x