Friday 7 June 2024

For The Man With EVERYTHING - Try Ocado!

Oh my goodness, with Hugh's birthday almost on the cusp of celebration, poor Darrell has been in a right tizzy, totally unable to think what to get his best friend and mentor of all things everything, on his special day, I mean, what do you buy for the gentleman who literally has everything. 

Darrell knew that Le Chicken Coop, Hugh's country bolt hole, would, as always, be overflowing with flowers and all manner of wonderful celebrity type gifts. Sir Simon Cowell always sent Hugh a huge bouquet of red roses and Sir Lord Elt(on) an exquisite piece of posh bric a brac that he'd found on his travels. Of course Darrell knew he didn't have to compete with Hugh's exclusive coterie of showbiz friends, but nevertheless he still wanted to give him something that no one else would think of, something close to Hugh's heart and, if possible, within budget..........

And then, he had an Ulrikakaka moment, last time he'd stayed at the cottage, Hugh had remarked how very much he adored the odd tin of Ambrosia Macaroni, but unfortunately it was as rare as hens teeth to find, even Harolds, his exclusive, luxury emporium of choice back in London rarely had it in stock.

So, with that Darrell got online and perused, for what seemed to be hours, until he found that Ocado had got it and at a price that wasn't as extortionate as some he'd found on a well known site beginning with an A! 

Bless him, Darrell was jubilant, as ten cans of said delicacy (of which we admit to being complete strangers of) were duly purchased and soon out for delivery, along with a free Ocado tea towel, for we think, still being a fairly newish customer, so win, win all round?!?!

Hopefully Hugh will be just a thrilled with his unusual but thoughtful gift as Darrell was in finding it! We shall no doubt hear in the fullness of time ..........


Mr.D said...

Well done, Darrell! The boy dun verryy, verryy, verryy gud.

I'm partial to a tin of Ambrosia custard, myself.

In Greek mythology, ambrosia was considered the food or drink of the gods, and it was thought to bring immortality and eternal youth to those who consumed it.

Well, in all these years, Mum's monkeys haven't aged one bit. Have they been eating plenty of Ambrosia?

Anonymous said...

I’m impressed-good spot. I have to admit that I’d never heard of Ambrosia macaroni either-educational blog post today.


Anonymous said...

Oh this looks good. I don't do Macaroni cheese - but this is something I might try as I do love all things Ambrosia. JantheFan x p.s. but Tesco don't stock it. :( but I'll keep an eye open for it.