Monday 3 June 2024

Ne're Cast A Clout ..........

Well that's it, May is finally out and we certainly won't be found wanting in the casting of clouts department ....... 

......  and as such, thanks to Darrell's unfailing, seasonal, due diligence, our faithful washing machine hasn't been off for a single minute over the weekend.

Not only have all our beloved vests been unceremoniously and very robustly cast, but so too our woolly jumpers, heavy trousers, winter bedding, bed socks, hot water bottle covers, sofa throws and all our heavy duty duvets now replaced by lovely light, summer weight ones. 

Oh what a glorious thing to feel but totally and utterly unfettered at the start of the summer! What are we like, if free and hanging loose!


Mr.D said...

Not hanging too loose, I hope!

Anonymous said...

Can I hire you monkeys to sort out my summer laundry? Good rates apply along with Marmite sandwiches, cake and coffee in abundance. Thanks in anticipation. Janthefan x