Friday 14 June 2024

To Quote The Flower Pot Men ...... Weeeeeeed!

Is it usual to be just the teensiest bit proud of one of the weeds on our bank? 

Nigel spotted it first when it was around the three foot mark and already starting to stand out amongst the crowd .......

 ....... but it's continued to grow to at least seven foot tall and still counting, so tall in fact that the top has become intermingled in the foliage of one of the nearby trees, which can make it hard to spot.

From Darrell's research, we think it's a Common Ragwort or stinking willie, not that any of us is up for smelling the leaves to see if they actually do whiff! We're also not sure if there is an optimum tallness to which it will grow to, but think perhaps when it flowers, it might not get any taller ????

But, it's a big 'un, that's for sure. However, sadly it's days may be numbered as we're waiting, in eager anticipation, for our gardener to come and clear said bank completely, as our view of the river is fast becoming a little befuddled, unless the squirrels accidently topple it during one of their frantic chasing sessions in the meantime.

And, talking of squirrel antics, Boris and Carrie (amongst others) are reeking havoc with our solar light sensors, poor Nigel has a full time job putting them back in position following all their shenanigans!  The wonders of nature, what on earth is it like?  


Mr.D said...

I'm impressed with your weed, but less so with Boris and Carrie.

Although mum and JtF are far too young to know "The Flower Pot Men," Weeeeed was actually "Little Weed," and not a giant, like yours.

Anonymous said...

Oh boyz you are so observant of nature and seasons. I was walking in my favourite nature spot yesterday and observed two orchids - got home thinking maybe it was a rare one but indeed not - 'just' the commom orchid but still a change from a dandelion is it not. JantheFan x p.s. Boris and Carrie might calm down once the mating season is over!!!???

Anonymous said...

p.s. and yes I remember little weeeeeeed and could take you back to the very place I used to hear it Mr D.....well I would but the house isn't there now and it would be a long way for you to travel Mr D. so we'll just leave it at that. JtF