Monday 17 June 2024

Happy Days - Now Just Wait For The Complaints!

Yesterday, the garden and Kata's flat were a flurry of activity of a naturalistic type nature. Rebecca, our lovely neighbour upstairs, who makes all the exceedingly nice cakes, has offered to take over the bird feeding stations now that Nat and Dan, who used to do it, have moved on to pastures new.

I understand that it was homemade fat balls akimbo in Kata's kitchen as she and Rebecca .........

......... along with Kata's little boy, covered toilet rolls with melted lard and seeds,  then filled them with said fat ball mix. Peanuts were also duly strung in great swathes 
and new feeders packed within an inch of their lives with even more fat balls .......

....... before they all went outside for everything to be hung on the feeding stations and trees at the top of the bank ........ 

....... including the cutest, little nut bench for our scurry of squirrels to hang out. 

It's all going to be soooooooooo romantic once the birds and squirrels finally work out it's all for them.

However, no doubt there will be complaints from those who must remain nameless, re: the resultant increase in bird song volume, as our avian friends tweet their enthusiastic appreciation to Rebecca, Kata and Krisztian for all their hard work!  As always, should there be any developments on this subject, we will be sure to keep you informed! 

1 comment:

Mr.D said...

Well done Rebecca, Kata and Krisztian!

'Im upstairs. Old misery guts himself, won't be happy.