Tuesday 25 June 2024

So Near ....... And Yet So Far

As they are not due to check in to Disneyland Paris until tomorrow morning, Nigel spent last night at the Residhome Val d'Europe, an app (apartment) hotel, where you can self cater ........ 

......  a concept not that far from our usual choice of establishment when we're on our annual Greek Oddity, but in France it just seems so much more romantique!  

Nigel says it's all very lovely and wonderful, but knowing that the pleasures of Disney were all but a two minute train journey away, made him a little impatient to finally get to the Magical Kingdom and rub shoulders with Les Mickey and Minnie .......

...... but, he still managed to take full advantage of the hospitality tray, with it's tiny cartons of festively named "Gloria" milk  .........

....... and St Michel Galettes biscuits, avec pure beurre! 

However, despite having a fully operational kitchen avec un fridge, une microwave, une hob, un kettle and une coffee maker, plus les cutlery and les plates etc. Nigel opted to nip out to get a supermarche style tea, an adventure in itself, but sadly the little fella was soooooooo overwhelmed at being surrounded by all manner of real life, French, comestibles that he totally forgot to take any pictures, zut alors, comment est il? 

And after all that, although Notre Dame could also be very tempting at another juncture in time....... to be honest, Nigel's mind couldn't really focus on anything beyond the next day ............so again, comment est il?


Anonymous said...

Oh just too exciting for words.....Janthefan x

Mr.D said...

Oh, no! My comment has been lost in the aether, again.

I hope it appears, very soon.

Mr.D said...

I hope Nigel doesn't get Paris syndrome, when he is there. Although, if he is spending all his time in Disneyland, he may be alright. I wonder if there's any such thing as Disneyland syndrome.

My older brother worked in Paris and we cycled round the Arc de triomphe and up and down the Champs-Élysées. Not far from me, in Mexico City, is a street called Campos Elíseos, but it loses something in translation.