Wednesday 19 June 2024

It's A Mistawee!

Yesterday, something was afoot on the river, but with the trees very much in full bloom and the weeds rising, it was quite hard to make out exactly what was going on.

All I know was that I sawn a gentleman in full frogman regalia on the waters edge ......

......... after being tied to the end of a rope, which was held by another florescent clad gentleman .........

...... before said frogman lowered himself carefully into the murky depths, before swimming in the general direction of the bridge.

It was all very intriguing, but not very romantic, as the river has been rather chocolate coloured of late, but when/whether said frogman returned to land I can't say .......

....... because, well, I can't stand at the window curtain twitching all day can I? Unfortunately, Nigel was on the school run and Darrell was up town looking for something "different" for tea, otherwise we would have formed a relay "twitching" team. So what happened next will have to remain, to quote Toyah (Wilcox) " a mistawee"! 


Mr.D said...

You've put a certain Toyah Willcox song in my head. I Want To Be Free, of course.

Anonymous said...

Oh it certainly is a Mistawee! JantheFan x