Wednesday 12 June 2024

Lost Somewhere In Translation

As you know, we always try to be receptive to the odd new comestible .....

........ however, the Habiba Cafe, which to our shame we haven't visited for a while, always has us rapt with their daily menu posts, which pop on to our Facebook feed each morning.

It all sounds very wonderful and exotic for the adventurous epicurean amongst us .......

 ....... and tempting though the cake and rat soups, pig log, a carrot in the air and broth poured cake sound........

 ........ we feel that something might have got a little bit lost in 
the translation!

However, with the end of the school year looming, perhaps our usual celebratory after school treat with our beloved niece and nephew might prove to be very interesting, especially if bathrooms and legs from the grill are on the menu board!

Sorry Mr D, no, perish the thought, looks like Guinea pig isn't there! 


Mr.D said...

Lost in Google translate, perhaps?

"Lost Somewhere In Translation."

Coincidentally, the film, "Lost In Translation," starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray, is worth watching.

Mum - you remembered that I have eaten Guinea Pig (Cuy) in both Ecuador and Peru. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - that is so funny - you boyz - what ARE you like????JantheFan x