Thursday 13 June 2024

Fragrant, Just Fragrant

Nigel came back from a bit of charity shop mooching in wonderful buoyant mood yesterday .......

........ as he said he'd found the most perfect present for Alice, that would not only protect her flawless, porcelain complexion from the harmful rays of hot summer sun .........

........ but also enhance her already very refined, gentile and graceful demeanour.

Let's just say that there was an awful lot of emotion thronging throughout The Towers as he duly presented Alice with the beautiful, embroidered lace parasol when she popped round for her usual morning coffee with French Fancy.  

Alice and said parasol looked exquisite together, with Nigel declaring that she was the true embodiment of a female character, strolling nonchalantly through a Calamity James  Capability Brown garden in a Jane Austin novel type way ....... and as such he would be honoured to escort her for a promenade  of "our park" later that afternoon. 

We didn't think Alice could possibly look any more fragrant than she usually does, but I have to admit, Nigel nailed his considered purchase today! Who would have thought that spending 50p could bring so much unbridled joy! What are we like? 


Mr.D said...

Great find, Nigel!

Alice always has a very refined look about her.

Capability Brown was noted for his ha-has.

Calamity Jane was noted for her Whip-Crack-Away!

Here endeth today's lesson.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant purchase from Nigel, the parasol looks great.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I agree, the stunning parasol adds an extra little something to the delicacy of Alice. What a fortuitous find. JantheFan x

Anonymous said...

Mr D, as for Doris Day never mind Whip-Crack-Away what about Secret Love, as she types then looks wistfully into the still my beating heart.