Monday 24 June 2024

Lost Breakfast, Then Up Up and Away ..........

What can we say, except that all the planning and secrecy behind Nigel's back for  the past few months to finally get him to Disneyland Paris (after Covid ruined all our previous plans) certainly paid off. Tom the Scientist said the little fella didn't suspect a single thing, until all was revealed as they parked up at Birmingham airport, suitcases hoisted from the boot and they proceeded to walk towards the monorail 

And yes, as we predicted, Nigel didn't manage to hang on to his breakfast with all the excitement, so thank goodness Darrell didn't send him off with a full English, cunningly telling him, when he looked at his toast a little disappointedly, before he was picked up, that T the S and The Lovely Laura had a fulsome brunch planned for him later that morning, and well, it would just look rude to turn up already half "stuffed"!

I am told that Nigel was totally overwhelmed and aghast that we'd all managed to pull off this audacious plan without him having even the slightest suspicion ..........

....... with his bags packed. 
his travel insurance sorted, his passport squirrelled away safe with everyone else's, not to mention his spending money in Francs already in his wallet.

It was ......... emotional and T the S says there were a few quickly dabbed tears and muffled sniffles when Nigel thought no one was looking, as he tried nonchalantly to  to check on the wings and cloud conditions! 

However, he was sufficiently recovered, by the time the seat belt sign was turned off,  to tuck in to his traditional mid-flight Twix, pinching himself at the thought of the adventures that was about to unfold.

When they landed at Charles De Gaulle airport, Nigel was then whisked off to his pre-Disney, Val d'Europe hotel on the TGV train, which took just ten minutes, instead of an hour and a half on a normal train, with Nigel swearing he could feel the G-force pulling on his face!  What is he like?

We believe is now ensconced at said hotel ...... a little more of that tomorrow! 


Mr.D said...

Well done, pulling this off! Yet again, you have dun verry, verry gud.

"...not to mention his spending money in Francs already in his wallet."

Good luck spending the Francs in the Eurozone.

Mr.D said...

P.S. I hope you all get completely covered in lots of pixie dust!

Anonymous said...

Great news that Nigel was completely surprised & he’s made it there safely. Looking forward to hearing about his adventures.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, I'll hold onto my hat, I think the next few reads will knock me off my feet! Exciting or what??? JantheFan x