Thursday 27 June 2024

Nigel is Overwhelmed AND Upgraded!!!

Nigel zoomed us sooooooooooo full of unfettered and unbridled excitement we thought he might just spontaneously combust if he didn't calm down.

Not only was his Newport Bay Club Hotel very, very beautiful and probably the poshest and most expensive he had ever stayed in.........

........ where T the S had paid a little more for a "Compass Club" room with all the extra facilities that came with it, including their very "own" reception area with private check in and a valet service that took their bags up to their rooms for them.

Soooooo, it came to pass, when it came to assigning Nigel's room at said exclusive reception, that he was told, if he didn't mind, that he'd been upgraded to his very own 8th floor room, instead of sharing with his beloved nephew, as had been planned! They would now have a separate but adjoining room each, so that Nigel could still keep an eye on Young Master Bertie!  Let's just say it all got very EMOTIONAL, all round, once again! 

Needless to say, after that, the little fella couldn't wait to hop into the lift to see his "new" room.

Let's just say, it did not disappoint ......... from it's Mickey Mouse inspired carpet, mahoooooooooosive nautical style bed and other Disney decor.

 ....... to a hospitality shelf complete with a proper, real life, coffee pod machine, something Nigel is a total stranger too and so put the fear of god in him, so he said he resolved that if he indeed felt the urge for a coffee, he would simply go downstairs to the exclusive Compass Club lounge and get a complimentary one there, to save mucking things up!  What is he like? 

There was also a desk for writing his correspondence, plus an abundance of water and even an ice bucket (with an ice machine just round the corner in the corridor), should the urge take him. 

It was almost too much ........ 

....... especially when the worlds biggest tele is thrown in, complete with Disney Channel.

As for the view from his lofty perch, across the lake, looking towards the park itself .........

....... even if it was raining a little, was all still pretty spectacular!

There is more, a lot more, but we'll save it for another day, as we're jealous enough already, as it is .......

........ but we'll leave you with Nigel in front of the hotel, with a ring, as instructed, round his room window ........... happy days!


Mr.D said...

WOW! Wonderful! Talk about posh! Everything looks amazing.

That bed must be absolutely massive, for one small monkey.

Anonymous said...

The hotel “room “ looks more like a suite-how exciting.


Anonymous said...

Oh my - I'm lost for words - what an amazing experience! JantheFan x