Friday 28 June 2024

Nigel's First Ever Character Meal ....................

Yesterday, the family with Nigel in tow headed over to The Plaza Gardens for a character meal tea, armed and charged, including Nigel, with Nanny made autograph books and pens ........

Lets's just say it was ...................

........ emotional!

......... with huge hugs all the way round ..........

........ and autographs signed with great flourish ........

....... by everyone, except for Eeyore, who sadly explained, through the medium of sign language, that he actually had no fingers with which to hold a pen, which had the table mournfully sighing along with him, but according to Little Miss Iris and Young Master Bertie, he still gave the bestest hugs!

Nigel said that with all this excitement going on around him, it was, even for him, difficult at times to pull away to avail himself of the wonderful buffet (and, needless to say take a few pictures of said buffet, of which he took none!) ..........

....... however .......

...... towards the end, when the things had died down a little, even withMickey chasing Tigger round the tables, he did manage to sample a little cold rabbit pie and a Mickey shaped cheese, declaring, in future ......

...... that French, slightly salted, President butter would now be his very most favourite butter of choice, forever! What is he like?

Then, what better way to end a perfect day than with a gentle meander through Sleeping Beauty's castle ...........

...... before a cheeky ride on the carousel, while the usually humungous queue was a little shorter during the parks twilight hours ........ happy, happy days!


Mr.D said...

Miss Iris and Master Bertie look like they had a wonderful time, meeting all those famous Disney characters!

The cheese looks unusual, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - I'm filling up here - how wonderful. An experience never to be forgotten. JantheFan x

Seaside Karen said...

How wonderful! I feel like I’m reliving our Florida holiday, as we did the same character breakfast at Crystal Palace! Although don’t tell Iris or Bertie but our Eeyore was able to sign the boys autograph books! Do you think we had an imposter?!